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26/04/19 Residents and businesses in Marble Hill set to enjoy more reliable water supply due to Irish Water programme of works


Residents in Marble Hill will enjoy a more reliable supply of drinking water following a programme of works that Irish Water are carrying out in partnership with Donegal County Council. The programme will see the replacement of 370 metres of ageing water mains and service connections. These necessary works will take place along Faugher Heights and continue on to Marble Hill Court. Once complete, the works will reduce the instances of bursts and water outages, eliminate leaks and lead to a safer, more secure supply of water to the local community.


The works are due to commence on 7 May and are expected to completed by the end of May.  The project will be delivered by Farrans on behalf of Irish Water as part of the National Leakage Reduction Programme, which will see over €500 million invested between 2017 and 2021 to reduce leakage and replace old pipes on the public water network across the country.


Commenting on the project, Declan Cawley, Regional Lead for the Leakage Reduction Programme said: “Replacing these ageing water mains will not only reduce the high levels of leakage, but it will also improve the reliability of the water supply to businesses and residents. We understand that this type of work can be inconvenient but we will make every effort to minimise any disruption caused by these necessary works. We would like to thank local residents for their cooperation as we work together to deliver these important  improvements for the local community. ”


Areas of work will be limited to short sections to minimise impact on customers. To ensure the safety of the workers and the local community, a road closure will be required on the L-1272-1 Marble Hill Road for the duration of the works. This road will be reopened every weekend from 6.00pm Friday to 8.00am Monday during the course of the works. An alternative route will be available along the L-1272-2 Rockhill Road, which will be clearly signposted. Local and emergency traffic will be maintained at all times.


Some short-term water shut offs may also be necessary and the project team will ensure that customers are given a minimum of 48 hours’ notice prior to any planned water shut offs.


Residents and businesses in the areas have been notified and customers can call our customer care helpline on Callsave 1850 278 278 with any questions about the project.


These works are part of Irish Water’s Leakage Reduction Programme, which will see an investment of €512 million in leakage reduction and water quality initiatives during the period to 2021. This programme is vital to ensuring a clean, safe and reliable public water supply to support our growing population and economy.


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